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  • Dedicated Routes and Assets
  • Warehouse Management System (WMS)
Consistent, Dependable, Efficient Performance
Start Saving On Your Freight Shipments - Contact Swat Logistics Today!

Final Mile Services

The last part of your shipment's movement can make or break your transportation service strategy, so it’s important that the final mile for each shipment goes smoothly and efficiently. SWAT Logistics specializes in designing and implementing final mile delivery plans for your shipment's transit to its final destination. Our solutions are based upon operations that employ the latest industry technology and include our Customer Support Center (CSC), giving you unmatched results during the final phase of your shipment.

These services are available day or night, on a scheduled, routed or on-demand basis, as dictated by your needs. SWAT Logistics’ responsive final mile service allows companies to better manage buying cycles, meet demand and take shipments to their final destinations.

Our Distribution/Warehousing Services Include:

  • High Value Merchandise
  • Pallet/Parcel Consolidation
  • White Glove Services

SWAT Logistics provides distribution and warehousing for a variety of companies and industries ranging from local small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.